Our team consists only of highly qualified specialists in the
field maintenance of cars of any brand.
More than 10 years of experience in car maintenance. She has in-depth knowledge of car repairs from German, Japanes and American manufacturers. Carries out online selection of auto parts and consultations.
Head of the sales department for over 5 years. Sphere of professional interests: selection of spare parts for American, Chinese, German, and Japanese cars. Carries out online selection of auto parts and consultations.
Deep knowledge in the selection of spare parts for trucks and large-sized vehicles. High communication qualities and commitment, will allow you to find the necessary details in the shortest possible time.
He has in-depth knowledge of car repairs from German, Japanes and American manufacturers. Carries out online selection of auto parts and consultations. More than 7 years of experience in car maintenance.
All products аnd their characteristics are checked personally by our managers. You are insured against marriage.
We have our own service center with professional and high-class craftsmen. Partial and extended warranty options.
Only highly qualified specialists work in our team. You will always receive fast and qualified assistance from professionals.
The service center specialists will help with the replacement of any spare part. You will get help at any time.
By purchasing a product from us you get an official dealer warranty. Before sending a spare part, it is checked again.
Product quality is officially confirmed by certificates from the manufacturer. All certificates are attached to the product.
<p style="font-weight: 400;">Ideelt produkt til hverdags beskyttelse og pleje af interiørets plastikoverflader. Fjerner urenheder og efterlader et delikat,...
<strong>Lotus Leather Cleaner:</strong> <strong>(</strong>600 ml. 5 Liter) Avanceret produkt med en unik formel til rens af meget snavset læder-interiør....
<p style="font-weight: 400;"><strong><u>Hvad du helt sikkert kan forvente af produkterne i pakken</u></strong><strong> : </strong> <strong>fjerner snavs ophobet på hudoverfladen, perfekt pleje,...
Lotus Mud Remover (600 ml. 5 Liter) Produkt designet til at hjælpe dig med at fjerne fedtede forureninger...
Om produktet: Et rigtig pengepung-venligt koncentrat. Det er nok at blande 1 kop kaffe (100 ml) koncentrat med 10...
<strong>Lotus Cabrio Protector (</strong>600 ml. 5 Liter) <strong>Imprægnerings-spray til cabriolet kalecher</strong> Beskytter tekstil-overflader på cabriolet-kalecher mod falmning, fugt, snavs, salt...
Renew ™ kan bruges som en enkeltstående HYPER glanscoat eller som topper til din garanterede keramiske belægning. Den hurtige...
<p style="font-weight: 400;"><strong><u>Hvad du kan forvente af produkterne i pakken</u></strong><strong> : </strong> <strong>opfrisker og regenererer, giver en langvarig, frisk duft, kan...
<strong>Lotus Ultra Nano 2.0:</strong> (600 ml. 5 Liter, 20 liter) Hurtig detailer, spray-voks, eller til vandfri bilvask, samt beskyttelse...
Om produktet: Et rigtig pengepung-venligt koncentrat. Det er nok at blande 1 kop kaffe (100 ml) koncentrat med 10...
<strong>Lotus Fabric Protector (</strong>600 ml. 5 Liter) Imprægneringsspray. Beskytter tekstil-overflader som cabriolet-kalecher mod falmning, fugt, salt, snavs og hårdt...
Vidste du, at ingen overflade er helt jævn? Der er mange mikroriller og revner på glasset og kroppen. Disse er...
<strong>Lotus Upholstery Cleaner:</strong> <strong>(</strong>600 ml. 5 Liter) Meget effektivt men mildt produkt produceret til rengøring af beskidt tekstil-interiør, såsom...
Om produktet: Et rigtig pengepung-venligt koncentrat. Det er nok at blande 1 kop kaffe (100 ml) koncentrat med 10...
<strong>Lotus Degreaser (</strong>600 ml. 5 Liter) Affedter til bilens overflader inden coating. Kan benyttes på lak, fælge, glas, ruder,...
<strong>Lotus Defrost. </strong><strong>(</strong>600 ml.) Effektiv optøning af is fra glasoverflader om vinteren! Produktet får is på bilvinduer til hurtigt at...
What a great time spring. Bright gentle sun, joyful trills of birds and of course down with winter clothes and hello a short skirt. But the guys should take care of their iron horse. Drive after a long winter the car must be prepared for the spring.